Estrogen and Progesterone and Infertility
Estrogen and progesterone and infertility all go hand and hand. When progesterone and estrogen levels are not in balance, infertility may occur. During the first part of a woman’s cycle, her estrogen levels become elevated in order for ovulation to occur. During the second part of a woman’s cycle, progesterone levels are elevated and a viable endometrium is able to form. If a woman does not have enough estrogen and progesterone and a proper balance of both hormones, then she is unable to conceive.
The production of too much estrogen or not enough progesterone is a cause of infertility.
Progesterone prepares the uterine wall so that the embryo can become implanted. Without the right amount of progesterone to line the uterine wall, the egg will be expelled and the woman will not become pregnant. In most instances, infertility caused by a progesterone deficiency can be treated successfully. It is important to understand that a woman’s menstrual cycle and ovulation are truly controlled by these two hormones.
Estrogen and Progesterone and Infertility Treatments
Once properly diagnosed, the treatment for estrogen and progesterone deficiencies is not that difficult. While diet does play a role in a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels, many women choose to take certain medications prescribed by their doctors or utilize one of the many natural progesterone creams on the market in order to ensure that these two hormones are in proper balance.
Natural progesterone cream is topically used and can be quite successful at improving a woman’s progesterone levels. Natural creams allow the body a good way to defend itself against synthetic estrogens in our environment. While not a cure-all, these creams can be utilized as building blocks that can help women achieve hormonal balance and conceive if they so desire.