Test hormone levels at home for the best results. Before you can know if your estrogen and progesterone hormones are out of whack you have to know what they are supposed to be.
- Follicular Phase – not relevant at this time.
- Days of LH Surge – <1.5 ng/ml
- Mid-Luteal Phase – >15 ng/ml
Progesterone is absolutely necessary for the implantation of your baby. Natural progesterone cream has been recommended a proven over time as the product to have on hand in the first tri-mester of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage. ZRT labs provide the best way to test these hormones in the privacy of your home for a fraction of a dr’s visit and using saliva hormone testing – the most accurate of hormone testing.
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone secreted by hypothalamus – control secretion of LH and FSH
LH – Luteinizing Hormone
5-20 mIU/ml (gonadotropin) signals egg to leave ovary
- Follicular Phase – <7 mIU/ml
- Days of LH Surge – >15 mIU/ml
- Mid-Luteal Phase – n/a
Ovulation can still be possible while LH is at normal levels. When LH levels rise to about 1/3 of the level of a woman’s postmenopausal FSH level, menopause is considered complete. (See below)
To receive personal LH levels you must be tested by your doctor; preferably through saliva testing.
LH Ovulation Strips and Cassettes are a great way for tracking day to day rises in LH.
Most refer to this as estrogen but there are several parts of estrogen. Estradiol is the most commonly tested.
- Follicular Phase – Early follicular 30-150Late follicular 100-500 ng/ml.
- Days of LH Surge – >100 pg/ml
- Mid-Luteal Phase – >60 pg/mlLate lut: 30-150 ng/ml.
- Perimenopausal: >20
- Menopausal: 40-200
ZRT labs at home hormone testing in the privacy of your home is available.
Natural progesterone cream is the natural approach to offsetting high cyclic levels of estradiol. For low estrogen symptoms associated with menopause, consider Estriol Creme or Estriol Oil.
VISIT OUR STORE for ZRT saliva hormone home test kits, natural progesterone cream, estriol creme or oil, or ovulation predictor strips (OPKs)
0-20 ng/mL – <25 ng/ml
High levels in women can come from high dairy intake and high carb diets which inhibit fertility by suppressing progesterone production and making mucous perpetually creamy.
Men can have high levels as well; beer too often is a common cause.
0-20 uU/mL increased insulin contributes to increased androgen by ovaries often the fasting insulin level is elevated even with normal glucose reading.
FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
14-16 mIU/mL (gonadotropin)
stimulates follicles to produce eggs
- Follicular Phase – <13 mIU/ml
- Days of LH Surge – >15 mIU/ml
- Mid-Luteal Phase – n/a
Comments and hormone test recommendations:
5-20 normal range; too low <5 can mean pituitary or hypothalmic failure; High 40mIU/ml – 200mIU/ml causes can be post menopausal, removal of ovaries or ovarian failure.
Over 20 may indicate menopause within 5 years. This test needs to be done by your doctor or by using a ZRT Saliva Hormone Home Test Kit.
The following hormones do not follow certain times in the cycle but change over periods of time. These are measurable at any time in the body.
TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
0.4-3.8 uIU/ml
Free T3 – 1/4-4.4 pg/ml
Free Thyroxine (T4) – 0.8-2.0 ng/dl
Promoting a healthy thyroid is the key and will be spelled out in the report you receive with testing. Thryoid Caps by Whole Family Products may help to boost thyroid levels.
Total Testosterone
6.0-86 ng/dl other sources say 20-85 ng/ml.
Free Testosterone – 0.7-3.6 pg/ml
Sex binding protein levels may decrease with chronically elevated levels
Commonly women in their 30-40s are low in testosterone -Often <10-20 ng/ml.
Read our articles at Infertility Workshop and Beyond Fertility about reducing testosterone in women and raising these levels in men; naturally.
DHEAs – 35-430 ug/dl
Androstenedione – 00.7-3.1 ng/ml